CALL/ ACBD offre des webinaires sur des thèmes relatifs au travail spécifique des bibliothèques de droit. Les participants inscrits ont accès à des enregistrements audio-visuels après chaque événement. Si vous vous êtes inscrit mais que vous avez manqué une session, vous pourrez écoutez et regarder la session en tout moment.
Alors, démontrez votre valeur à votre employeur et perfectionnez vos connaissances tout au long de l'année avec vos collègues des bibliothèques de droit de partout à travers le Canada!
Les webinaires se donnent en anglais.
Non-membre $ 50 + taxes applicables
Tarif étudiant $ 15 + taxes applicables
January 23, 2025 | The Canadian Open Access Legal Citation Guide | James Bachmann,Ann Marie Melvie, Michelle Terriss |
February 6, 2024 | Land Acknowledgements: How to Create a Respectful Statement |
Jaimie Kechego |
April 16, 2024 | Introduction to Data Analytics |
Sarah A. Sutherland |
October 7, 2024 | A Perfect Storm: Social Media News, Psychological Biases, and AI |
Pratim Datta, Mark Whitmore and Joseph K Nwankpa |
July 26, 2023 | VLC Webinar |
Annette Demers |
April 20, 2023 | Pronoun 101: An introduction to gender diversity in the workplace |
Kawmadie Karunanaya |
March 1, 2023 | The Decolonization/Indigenization of Cataloguing Practices |
Kaia MacLeod, Annie Wolfe |
December 8, 2022
Global Legal Research: Lyo’s Guide to the Best Resources for Helping Users Who Are Embarking on Foreign, Comparative, and International Law Research Quest |
Lyonette Louis-Jacques |
October 20, 2022 | Preservation, Discovery, and Accessibility: A Toolkit | Rebecca Bearden, AJ Blechner, Jocelyn Kennedy, Mindy Kent, Elisabeth Umpleby, David Walker, Caroline Walters | |
June 28, 2022 | Law and Disability in Canada: An overview of law and disability issues in Canada |
David Ireland, Dr. Richard Jochelson, Freya Kodar, Laverne Jacobs | |
March 9, 2022 | Meaning Making: Student Action and Indigenous Legal Education |
Dr. John Borrows |
October 14, 2021 | Savvy Negotiation Skills: A Toolkit for Law Librarians | Annette Demers |
August 23, 2021 | The Skin as Seen: Thinking Through Racial Justice with Levinas | Dr. Lana Parker |
July 9, 2021 | Inclusive Language | Grant Yocom |
January 28, 2021 | Prison Law: Researching Health and Legal Implications of Aging Prison Populations | Dr. Adelina Iftene |
10 novembre 2020 | Communicating the Law in Plain Language | Kandice Ardiel |
30 octobre | Gamification | Dr. David Michels, Hannah Steeves |
25 septembre | Effective Budgeting for Libraries | Lori Ann Oja |
8 mai | Presidents’ Roundtable Continued: Law Librarian of the Future | Annette Demers, Ann Marie Melvie, Cyndi Murphy |
3 avril | The Changing Business of Law, and What It Means For Law Libraries | John Wu |
27 février | Pre-Crime | Dr. Richard Jochelson |
22 novembre | SWOTing Business Development Opportunities | Katie Cuyler |
24 octobre | Legal Project Management | Steven B. Levy |
19 avril |
Digital Repository Success Stories | Mariya Maistrovskaya, F. Tim Knight, Kim Nayyer |
15 mars | US Executive Branch Research for the Canadian Legal Researcher | Penny A. Hazelton |
8 février | Intersections with Aboriginal and Indigenous Law | Naiomi Metallic |
26 octobre | Platforms, Apps and Omnibots - Alternate Views on the Future of Legal | Colin Lachance |
13 septembre | The Conversation Continues: Copyright in Context for CALL Members | Panel: Amanda Wakaruk, Kim Nayyer, Lesley Ellen Harris |
22 juin | US Courts for the Canadian Legal Researcher (Part Two) | Penny A. Hazelton |
5 avril |
Uncovering UN Treaties | Susan Goard |
2 mars | US Legislation for Canadian Legal Researchers (Part One) | Professor Penny A.Hazleton |
31 janvier | Libraries and Access to Justice | Johanne Blenkin, Sarah McCoubrey |