Special Interest Groups

Special interest groups may be created by the Executive Board in response to a petition endorsed by ten or more members of the Association in good standing. The petition shall state the aims of the proposed group.

A special interest group informally in existence at the time these bylaws are adopted shall have two years from the date of their approval to submit a petition endorsed by ten or more members in good standing of the Association to obtain formal status. Failure to do so shall result in the dissolution of the special interest group.

Each special interest group formally established by the Executive Board shall report to it annually. Failure to report at two consecutive annual general meetings shall result in the automatic dissolution of the special interest group. A special interest group may also be dissolved by the Executive Board in response to a petition requesting dissolution, endorsed by two thirds or more of the voting members of the special interest group.

Academic Law Libraries

Members: James Bachmann (Co-chair), Emily Landriault (Co-chair), Donna Sikorsky (Executive Liaison)

The Academic Law Libraries SIG was formed to support the shared interests and knowledge of CALL/ACBD members working in academia by creating a network of communication between SIG members; and by sponsoring annual CALL/ACBD conference programs that directly impact the working environment of SIG members and CALL members in general. The SIG communicates with its members through the CALL/ACBD e-newsletter In Session and via the Academic SIG listserv. Members are strongly encouraged to participate in on-going discussions on our listserv and to give input on program ideas in order to foster the benefits of being a member of this SIG. Members have the opportunity to meet face to face at our annual general meeting held in conjunction with the annual CALL/ACBD conference. New members are welcome to join the SIG at any time. The SIG is managed by two co-chairs that rotate on a staggered two-year term assignments.

Click here for more information. 


Listserv: academicsig-l@mailman.ucalgary.ca

Sub-Committee on Classification

Members: Vacant

The Sub-Committee on Classification exchange information concerning classification on topics, including designation of class numbers for new topics in KF Canadian Adaptation. They also discuss and resolve KF Canadian Adaptation and other LC classification issues, particularly those involving the use of LC's new schedules such as JZ, KZ, etc. The members also seek an expansion and re-organization of limited class numbers in KF Canadian Adaptation for topics such as environmental law, immigration & citizenship, taxation, legal research, etc.

Click here for more information. 

Annual Report 2020 

Courthouse and Law Society Libraries 

Members: Fiona Chiu (Co-Chair), Alan Kilpatrick (Co-Chair), Donna Sikorsky (Executive Liaison), Alan Kilpatrick, Barb Alcock, Dale Barrie, Maria Berezowski, Julie Boon, Lynda Cavanagh, Ronn Cheney, Tanya Davis, Laura Dobbie, Derek Drake, Anke Eastwood, Kelly Elliott, Michelle Gerrits, Jackie Hassefras, Krisandra Ivings, John Kerr, Denise Lortie, Janey Marchment, Julie Rainey, Nick Rowlands, Karen Sawatzky, Sophie Song, Jenny Thornhill, Lena Witzel, Lorissa Kinna, Joan Rataic-Lang, Alicia Loo, Lisa Winkelaar, Rosalie Fox, Michel Adrien Sheppard, Jennifer Haimes, Clare Asquith Finegan, Ken Fox, Rebecca Radevski, George Roy, Alexandra Kwan, John Bryans, Rebecca Radevski, Liz Blackburn, Fiona Chiu, Jacquie Fex, Cheryl Murphy, Martha Murphy, Mary Jo Petsche, Theresa Leitch

This group is composed of persons working in Courthouse, Law Society, Barristers' Society, and Law Association libraries. It meets at the Annual Meeting to discuss mutual concerns such as continuing education, statistics, insurance, collection standards, service in small centres, staff qualifications, recruitment, library design, etc.

Click here for more information. 



Government Libraries

Members: Michèle LeBlanc (Co-Chair), Donna Sikorsky (Executive Liaison), Martha Murphy, Alicia Loo, Wendy Reynolds, Ann Marie Melvie, Hélène LeBlanc, Holly James, Leslie Polsom, Sheryn West, Christina Boyle, Cheryl Cohen, Brenda Blundon, Karen Sawatzky, Rosalie Fox, Julie Rainey, Tara Knott, Hilary Lynd, Krisandra Ivings, Katie Pelland, Brenda Lauritzen, Andrew Howes, Cheryl Murphy, Bryony Livingston.  

The Government Law Libraries SIG address concerns unique to librarians practicing in government libraries and provides a common forum for networking and educational opportunities for librarians and information specialists that work in those environments.

Click here for more information. 

Government Libraries of: 

QC (En / Fr)



Knowledge Management

Members: Danielle Brosseau (Chair)Donna Sikorsky (Executive Liaison)

The Knowledge Management Special Interest Group (SIG) welcomes any member of CALL/ACBD with an interest in KM to join the SIG and get involved. This SIG encourages professional development by sponsoring webinars and providing input to a KM related topic at the Annual Conference.

Law-related KM can involve a wide range of activities that are directly related to the daily work of members of CALL/ACBD. 

Click here for more information. 



Legal Research and Writing 

Members: Matthew Renaud (Co-Chair), James Bachmann (Co-Chair), Donna Sikorsky (Executive Liaison)

The Legal Research and Writing Special Interest Group (LRW SIG) of the Canadian Association of Law Libraries was established in 2015. It is a network of CALL/ACBD Members with a special interest in the teaching of legal research and writing skills. The primary mission of this group is to provide a forum for discussion on topics related to classroom, small group and one-on-one instruction and to organize educational programs related to these topics. The group encourages open communication with non-librarian LRW professionals in Canada, and it promotes the sharing of information, ideas and teaching tools.

Click here for more information.

LRW Listserv
Instructional Resources Bank (members only)


New Professionals

Members: Amanda Irvine (Co-Chair), Linda Fontaine (Co-Chair), Donna Sikorsky (Executive Liaison), Layla Andros, Cassandra Anker, Annalise Benoit, Danielle Chang, Erin Clupp, Ken Cummings, Ferrin Evans, Alexandria Everitt, Mady Gillespie, Maddy Johnston, Jessie Lampreau, Nancy Li, Kira Maros, Kyla McCallum, Kate McCandless, Ali McLaughlin, Chelsea Merkl, Alise Nelson, Ayesha Patel, Vanessa Quiring, Laurance Savage Duguay, Emily Sugerman, Nikki Tanner, Doris Wagner

The New Professionals SIG aims to support student members and new professionals as well as to promote law librarianship and CALL/ACBD to new library and information professionals across Canada. The SIG began as the Student SIG in 2012 and evolved into the New Professionals SIG in May 2016 at the annual conference in Vancouver.



Private Law Libraries

Members: Marnie Bailey (Co-Chair), Carolyn Petrie (Co-Chair), Donna Sikorsky (Executive Liaison)

The PLL SIG provides a forum and an outlet for CALL/ACBD members from the private law library community. Past projects have included salary and statistical surveys focused on private law librarians. Current issues of interest include professional development, license negotiations, and knowledge management.



Operations Surveys:


Members: Alex Burdett (Co-chair), Donna Sikorsky (Executive Liaison)
The Preservation SIG was established to provide a forum for members to express and discuss their concerns about the preservation of and permanent access by the public to Canada legal information.


Please send comments or questions to office@callacbd.ca - © 1998-2018 Canadian Association of Law Libraries
1 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 705, Toronto, ON     M4P 3A1   647-346-8723
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