Special interest groups may be created by the Executive Board in response to a petition endorsed by ten or more members of the Association in good standing. The petition shall state the aims of the proposed group.
A special interest group informally in existence at the time these bylaws are adopted shall have two years from the date of their approval to submit a petition endorsed by ten or more members in good standing of the Association to obtain formal status. Failure to do so shall result in the dissolution of the special interest group.
Each special interest group formally established by the Executive Board shall report to it annually. Failure to report at two consecutive annual general meetings shall result in the automatic dissolution of the special interest group. A special interest group may also be dissolved by the Executive Board in response to a petition requesting dissolution, endorsed by two thirds or more of the voting members of the special interest group.
Members: James Bachmann (Co-chair), Emily Landriault (Co-chair), Donna Sikorsky (Executive Liaison) The Academic Law Libraries SIG was formed to support the shared interests and knowledge of CALL/ACBD members working in academia by creating a network of communication between SIG members; and by sponsoring annual CALL/ACBD conference programs that directly impact the working environment of SIG members and CALL members in general. The SIG communicates with its members through the CALL/ACBD e-newsletter In Session and via the Academic SIG listserv. Members are strongly encouraged to participate in on-going discussions on our listserv and to give input on program ideas in order to foster the benefits of being a member of this SIG. Members have the opportunity to meet face to face at our annual general meeting held in conjunction with the annual CALL/ACBD conference. New members are welcome to join the SIG at any time. The SIG is managed by two co-chairs that rotate on a staggered two-year term assignments. Click here for more information. |
Resources: Listserv: academicsig-l@mailman.ucalgary.ca |